Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Silly Willy

I'm now staying with Matt and Julie Whiteside, two awesome people who are the proud parents of Willy...a super duper dog w/ cat like skills...Today he's going for the suprize stick catching in the back yard in Fullerton on Tues afternoon title..

Let's cheer him on...

Where's the stick Willy?

Is it in the yard?

And Willy pulls off a Back side Ali w/ a McTwist for 2006 Fullerton Yellow Lab stick catching on Tues afternoon's gold medal! Congradulations Willy!

Tell us about how you came to be such a high level athlete yourself! Do you have any advice for those of us about to compete in Elite Track Nationals?

"Smile MORE!!!"
Thanks Willy, great advice!!!

There ya go Mike, I hope you enjoy the photos (my husband is a HUGE animal fan...he asks more about the pets I stay w/ than ME!! I love it!! really I do, he's so sweet, and cute, and cuddily, ok ok...I'll stop, I'm sure you've all rolled your eyes by now...or mabye YOU'RE SMILING MORE??)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

guess when you have a blog anything can happen.... wham bam thank you mam or is it whoami... hhhhmmmmmm