Thursday, February 08, 2007

The Latest and Greatest in my lil' life

So, this week I've spent time on the rollers, leading a clinic for the Starbucks Women's team, RRing, lifting, Pilate's, trainer, Fixie, drove to Burnaby and did some track training then racing sleeping then training again, back down to Pilate's...

While on the Burnaby track I noticed odd little 'Wrinkles' in my tire (which I have been riding since July SOLEY). Seen here:

I asked Jeremy Storie what he thought, and he said a lot of unfamiliar words involving tread, beading, casing....and somewhere in there I gathered a negative tone..."So I shouldn't race in them then?" was my short way of saying, "I have no idea what you just said, all I need to know is are they safe....please answer in words three letters or smaller" was "NO" so I ran out to my car for the only other wheel I own, and have never ridden! Swap it out. Seen here:

...and head out....first red flag should have been me crashing trying to get on the APRON..yes, NOT THE TRACK, but the apron....slip bang boom bang, but I hopped up hoping no one saw and kept going (of course, Jeremy saw)....then I headed out to the blue line, yet noticed something was very different (Colby will be glad to hear I noticed ANYTHING at all on my bike, remember the Barrel)...but I did, so I tried to do some flick like motions testing the steering, which seemed way off...then heard the pace line I was intending on jummpin into coming so I headed to the rail...but only for a millisecond, because some alien force (otherwise known as a shitty road tire on a steep wooden track) pulled my front wheel out and I slid all the way down the track on my right hip (can you say STRAWBERRY)...the worse part is (no don't worry my bike is FINE) was I took out some poor guy on my way...and I didn't see him racing...I'm really sorry!!

So I changed my shorts (no not for THAT reason), there was a huge hole in the hip. Put back my 'HORRIBLE' tire and raced w/ no problems! The moral is ride your equipment to the nubs, ignore all sensible sounding advice. And bring extra shorts!!

I also want to Thank Heather and Rob McMurtry (prob not spelling that right) who opened their home to me, I slept great!! And they have a really cute Bugel (beugal, beau-gull...none are correct I know...but he was really cute!)

BTW, dedication runs in our family....after a very full day at work, Pilate's, mike hit the trainer for 3x 20min Lactate Balance Point work...watching Red Dwarf!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Kele I love the picture of Mike on the trainer with 7 bikes in the view. I no longer feel bad about my garage. By the way congrats on the worlds team selection so awsome. Tell Mike, Lance said hi and 'll see him (and you) at the races this year. Last year was a loss at the races but hey a 3rd child (I got 2 races in) What can you do.
