Yea, I'm in Phoneix, vacationing w/ my sister Abby! We are taking a few days to enjoy the warmth, and unwind together!
After a marathon of flights (I flew back from Greenville, S.C ALL the way to Seattle, then re-checked in immediately to fly back to my day started w/ a 2:30am pick up in S.C, and I arrived in Phoneix at 8:45pm the next day...but hey I saved $300 on flights!! And I get 3 days w/ my Sis, and that's priceless)
So, on Sunday we found a great breakfast place after getting a new swimsuit at Target, seeing as I forgot mine. Then we shopped for shoes (don't worry Mike, I didn't buy any..but I was SO tempted to buy these leapord print open toe high heels...something I'm sure I'd wear TONS, NOT!)...
Next we laid by the pool, enjoyed a grapefruit juice/mineral water cocktail and pretzels...then enjoyed a nice relaxed Sushi dinner as pictured above!!
Today, it's Beecrum (Beakrum, B-crumb) yoga, facials, and eyebrow waxing....I LOVE these kind of vacations!!
Have fun at work ya'll!!! Tee Hee Hee!!
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