Tuesday, October 04, 2005

the Running of the Bulls

Day 2 (Saturday): originally 108k very hilly….then it became a 60k flat, then last 12-15mi climbing

“Volcano-nada, we race!!”…
Ok, so did I mention CHAOS?? Today we wake up to reports that the Volcano in Santa Anna (which happens to be the finish of today’s course) has Erupcionado (2 people died!)….and the news is all in Spanish. Being the most comfortable w/ Spanish (which isn’t saying much)….the team has me try to translate the breaking news reports. So, I don’t know if any of you have ever paused on Univision during their news reports…but they are a mite SPEEDY, and w/ all the tenchinical words about Volcanos, Government security, scientists monitoring, I was a LITTLE at a loss….the ultimate result was the race was moved to instead of going north, to heading south! It was amazing to see how they were able to create a new route w/in hours, and w/ NO delay in start time! ONLY IN EL SALVADOR!

Running of the bulls
The race was basically ~40mi..the first 25 flat w/ 2 sprints. Our team used the first sprint to figure out the lead out for Niki, our designated sprinter. On the second sprint, we had the biggest, and longest lead out…and she ended up 2nd…which was awesome…everyone helped, it was a great show of teamwork, ESPECIALLY for a composite team on their first mass start race…WOW it was awesome (joke, Wines Of Wash..spells WOW!)

The last 20 mi was all up hill (ok maybe more like 12mi). And it was everyone for themselves! Sarah T ended up 5th, Lisa 15th, Martha 18th, Lynn 20th. Star 21st. me 26th, followed by Niki, Kathleen, and Jen! Overall good day, I was very impressed w/ the teams commitment to the sprints, and cohesiveness!

After the race, it was yet another eventful drive home in out minibus…with the usual 3-4 near death experiences. But we made it home.

At the podium presentation, we found out Niki had won the most aggressive jersey (Combativa, I think they call it)…so that was awesome!! It’s funny she’s probably the most mellow of the entire group…and she’s got the most aggressive award….only in El Salvador!!!

Alisha, is now in 4th…I’m sure she’ll do well in GC, she’s riding so well…she’s a great TT ist, and I hope she makes the podium….I sure know she has what it takes!!

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