Sunday, April 13, 2008

I'm so hungry, I could eat a HORSE!!!

and I DID!! yep, no joke! It was Dede's fault. She said it was great, this horse hamburger. Very lean, mixed w/ spices and such...and hey, if Dede likes it, it must be good, right??
and?? you may ask. Well, it wasn't nasty. The flavor was good, mild...but I must say, I couldn't really ENJOY it...because they are such beautiful animals....and I couldn't get it out of my head. I don't think I'd order it again. Unlike those beef cheeks the other day!
To add insult to injury, the next day on the we approach a pasture w/ some beautiful horses...Theresa yells out, "Watch out horses, here comes Kele!!' It was quite funny....especially when later we came up on a pasture of cows, and I returned the favor by saying, 'Watch out cows here comes Theresa!' least it made me feel better!

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