Thursday, November 24, 2005

i fart

That's what the elevator button was labeled in Copenhagen. Apparently it means 'in motion' (in Danish) in use. But I got a great laugh out of it, and thought I'd share.

Speaking of are a few shots. Mike and I spent one afternoon shopping, then the morning before our flight left we went to Christinia

....a hippie city in the middle of Copenhagen...where hash is legal. It was interesting, no one in the 'city' owns their house, it's all communal...a good system. I don't know about the hash part, but hey it takes all kinds to make the world go round.

Ok, back to the photos:
Here's one of me biking (a major form of transportation there)

And here's me in my new sheeps coat by a foutain

Here is Mike and I's international greeting:

What a silly sign (or I'm just silly)

What a Pisser!

We had a great final meal in Denmark with Mike's sister Kristina:

Goodbye Demnark and Sweden....I had an awesome visit. I'm so grateful for my new extended family, and such a beautiful home away from home!
Now it's time to get back home for some TURKEY!

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