Thursday, November 24, 2005

Turkey Day

So Mike and I got to have our own Turkey day. And we realized at about 1:30 we needed:
1) turkey
2) stuffing
3) cranberry sauce
4) bread
5) pumpkin pie

So off we went to the store. I don't know about you...but I grew up making all of the above from scratch. From the wild rice/cornbread stuffing, to homemade cranberry sauce, to the rolls...but that was NOT the case today. Oh no, we had no time for we bought the bag of 'just add water' stuffing, canned cranberry sauce, already cooked turkey brest, rolls, but decide to make the pie (and hand whip the cream...for old time sake).

Wanna see how it turned out???

Here's the cooking part

Then there's the eating part

Then there is the Maxin and Relaxin part

Hope you also had a great day! Gobble, Gobble!

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