Friday, October 19, 2007

Bake Sale!

I've been trying to do fundraising to help me be able to train as I need to to reach my goals. You may have read the Proposal letter on this blog, or received an email from me, or a hard copy in the mail, or seen a brochure. Next, I decided to have a bake sale at work (actually a coworker, Kate, gave me the idea). All the therapist, and Amy ARNP brought in their baked goods to donate, Ellen/Habib also made a large donation of baked goods as well. I accepted donations for each item!
I tried to make it eye catching. Notice the speakers? Mike made a CD of great tunes, ie "Eye of the Tiger", "Rocky Theme", "Bicycle" by Queen, "We are the Champions", and "Chariots of Fire" was great.
I brought in helpers to solicit for me. Here's B yelling "Bake Sale, come and get some!!". She was so cute, and very effective!

I raised over $400! I am so touched by every one's generosity. Thank you to everyone who donated either goods, or money! It means so much!

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