Sunday, December 04, 2005

Back to my roots

Mike and I went to PCC (a local co-op, 'natural market' today.....we're turning into hippies....we bought Quinoa, steel cut oats, wild rice, ORGANIC hummus, PLAIN ORGANIC yogurt, seasime sticks, cage free eggs, couscous, sprouted grain get my drift....a new experience for me.
I've been avoiding this my entire adult life...I always thought new-age hippies were 'snobby' w/ thier 'organic' this and that, smelling of BO and pa-chew-ly...and here I am rubbin elbows w/ them at the grocery store.

My parents were 'stinky hippies' as seen below

Yea, that me...the bald one!

Most our food was from the farm, Mom had a huge garden, we had fresh meat, and milk. Mom wouldn't let us eat processed foods, I remember having to put wheat germ on my no sugar cereal...w/ Ovalteen on the holidays. Mom used to make her own bread, yougurt, and cloth...yea that's right...she had one of those HUGE looms that took up an entire room...

Enough walkin down memory lane...but I am joining my sister's good habits of low/no sugars, minimal processing, but LOTS of flavor type foods!!! We'll see how it works!

1 comment:

Eric2 said...

Yeah, I often have to frequent the patchoulios at my local Home Economist, but it's worth it to rub elbows with the hippies. You just have to wash a lot afterwards. :D