Sunday, December 11, 2005

Stitch and Bitch

Oh yea, I've gone and 'done it' now!! I'm throwin' in the towel on my 20s....I had a knitting party (well, does 5 people qualify as a 'Party')!! I know, it's strange for me...but I'm cross training right???

I just don't know what's gotten into me lately. But, knitting w/ friends sounded fun. A great excuse to have 'the girls' over and shoot the breeze. And possibly learn that family skill that all the elder females in my family have mastered...KNITTING!

Well, let me tell's harder than it looks when Grandmother does it!! Jeez Liouse....there were more holes in my 'scarf' than Mike's socks!! And after 3 hrs of training, whining, unraveling.....and the first person had to yarn was still on the needel....because I kept pulling it off cause it was so ugly!! But, never fear...I'm gonna master this stupid skill!! If it KILLS me!!!

Oh, Mike did it too! and before I let his look better than my 15 attempts I stole my needles back.....I just wanted him to be cute and try, not SHOW ME UP!!

1 comment:

JT said...

Don't worry - you'll get it EVENTUALLY. :) Thanks for the fun times - but I'm still in my 20s so don't call it quit on your 20s yet my friend!