Sunday, April 23, 2006

TST result

Ok so this was probably the coldest race I've ever done! The temp probably wasn't the coldest, but due to the torrential got soaked and then it was 35 degrees...and you're riding at 15-20mph....and nothing protects you!!

Quick recap of the race: Pouring, Suz sets tempo up first climb, we're all sitting on her wheel....then most that were gapped caught back on...and we rode very slowly, and everyone was painfully cold...1/2 the feild pulls out...a girl attacks when I'm not paying attention, gets a gap...I spend several minutes/miles trying to bridge...never make it...get caught at the base of the first significant hill, barely hang on to the now 'first chase' group (I thought alot about would she ride in that situation, that's how I hung on) now we're much warmer, then we sit up because we know there is another significant hill in like 8 miles, and the girl off the front has gained time...on the last climb, I sit on another girl...and when we hit the rollers I realize we are alone...we work together, commited to staying away....Finally get to the sweet final decent...and 2mi from the finish I realize I have a rear flat...POOP-O-RAMA...but I decided it was worth a try to stay away....and lucky me I 3rd on the day....
This is me really, it's not a picture of me as a Cat 4...that's really what I wore in the race...and I was FROZEN

This one, Suz (Yellow helmet to my right) has a hilarious expression on her face...and Marni (Canadian) got the PSYCHO award for finishing w/o leg warmer!! That's one tough Canuck (spell check?)

Here's Mike (clear jacket, red/black helmet) Piping that poor guy at the quitters here!!

And that's was that!!

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