Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Ok..so I guess I should explain why I was De-Bella'ing this past weekend...and why I wasnt ridin' my favorite bike in the whole world....
Well, ya see My Zing is in route to Athens, GA for the crit this coming weekend....and when I'm home I like to support a rather new local women's team just to support the growth of this sport I love so much! So, I"m only a part time Starbucker...but full time BELLA! sorry for any corn-fusion!

So, on to these new sweet pics I stole....from wheels in motion

Here's some Bella Spirit....TT's, LOVE THEM!!!

Look Mom no hands!
Winning is Bliss, especially on a hilltop finish!

They call me BIG MOUTH for a reason!

Did someone say MONEY?

Amara takes the final sprint...Man she's fast...great race!

Ok, I REALLY have to go to work now....but Bloggin' is so much more fun....I hate being a grown up!!


Anonymous said...

The photo's came from www.wheelsinfocus.com ; -)
Nice Ridin' in Walla Wa

Dr. Xeno said...

Nice post - congrats! Really just had to post to say I miss the Athens Twilight! Went to grad school there 87-92 and that very race stole my soul away from triathlon. Hooked for life. Krush 'em Kele!

Allison Krasnow said...

Oh my stars! Wouldn't you know it, racing for a coffee sponsor! I guess the week in Berkeley with Cole Coffee and the french press just wasn't good enough to satisfy your cravings :)
