Saturday, January 07, 2006

Catching up

So, in the morning, this is how I put my makeup on!!

You should see the eyeliner.....

This is Mike's favorite Cereal....

Look!! Mike put up a shelf for our drippy, nasty jackets!

On new years day...Mike and I went to the Imax theater...and watched "Wired to Win" (if you're a cyclist, there's not enough about the Tour...more about neuroanatomy)...the Imax is at the Seattle center...and there are dinosaurs in the water.

Earlier, on New Year's Day...I worked with these distinguished gentelmen...the man on his feet and the man on his right were both bomber pilots WWII...the one closest to the camera in the bars is a Pediatric Doctor (94 years old)...and the guy across from him was a printer who remember the day when they had to set all the text...and now it's all computers....But my job is to make sure they get stronger so they can get back to thier families...

I'm getting more comfortable on my rollers:

If you can't read it it says "This is so easy, I'm whistling Dixie"..mild understatement

This one says something about my bad elbow should be under my shoulder joint...notice it's about 6inches IN FRONT OF IT..oops


JT said...

No wonder your crotch hurts! Hahaha - good luck in LA chica! Thanks for the fun weekend. I look forward to racing with you again!

nathasm said...

Hey, missed you on the rides this past weekend. Good times and dry *most* of the time. Hope things went well this past weekend and good luck in LA!