Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Sticky Situation

So, last week I went to Ryan Millers’ house to do a wkt…apparently he wanted to make sure I was ‘doing them right’…First thing he has me do, after the warm up, OF COURSE…is ‘Go all out for 30 seconds’…and he’s got a stopwatch..and my PowerTap is telling him how hard I’m going…so when he says go…I GO FREAKIN’ BALISTIC…Ryan stifles a laugh when I’m done, and suggests maybe I back off a little on the next one. Funny thing though…my forearm was really hurting, like I pulled a muscle from yanking on my bars so hard…and it kept bothering me through the 5x3 (or 4) min efforts he had me do.

So, ever since my arm has REALLY been bothering me. I called Peter Schsomething…the acupuncturist/herbal medicine guru that works at Inewmed…and has spent several hours listening to my stories from bowel to emotional health…looking for help for my arm, because it was getting very difficult to hold my pursuit bars due to pain/numbness/weakness of my R hand/arm.

And, seeing as I was really amp’ed about my upcoming Talent Pool Qualifier in LA..he got aggressive for me. Wanna see???
(First, I must tell you..he took like 20shots, but must have deleted most of them due to lacking artistic qualities…but you get the idea)

The white machine thing is a infra-red heater upper…to REALLY get my Chi movin’.

Most people’s first question is…’Did it hurt?’…when the more appropriate question may be ‘Did it help?’…but whatever, the answer is HELL YEA, to both!

Being smack dab in the middle of the western, insurance driven, medicine I don’t know much about acupuncture, nor have I had much done..but this made a significant difference in pain/strength/ROM/decreased numbness in my arm…but after the treatment (lasting about 30min) I left feeling a little ‘off’ for the rest of that day.

Now, it’s been week since my first acupuncture appointment w/ Peter (I had one more)…and the symptoms have remained lessened…even after a weekend of racing the track, w/ many hard efforts involving pulling on the bars.

Inewmed is this sweet, new age-esque, natropathic/herbal medicine-ic/cutting edge alternative health-ic….place…in downtown Seattle (…

For some of you die hard fans, you’ll remember an entry about the SUPER FUN lactic acid test (not to be confused w/ a V02 max test) David Jordan did w/ me in like Aug/Sept…and Peter and Dr. Pettis took blood/urine samples to really see what I’m made of….then compiled all the data and had me start taking liquid Vit/Minerals, Chinese Herbs, and a few other supplements I can’t remember the names of (glutimine/glutathione…maybe), and 15min of head stands 3x day to build me back up…just kidding about the head stands part…

I must say, I feel better than I have in years…just cleaner, clearer, fresher…it’s hard to objectify (ie DESCRIBE)….I just feel good. Now, if I can just race fast too…that will be the kickeroooski-ronie!

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