Sunday, January 15, 2006


Man how things have changed. I'm sitting in SFO (San Fran's airport) killing the 1 hr b/w flights...and there is a T mobile hot spot...and here I am...writing a blog! Hmm, interesting.

So, there's something very wrong w/ my neck...Last night as I was packing my bike...I felt a pain in my neck...and now it radiates all down the left side of my neck. I cant turn my head to the left, laying down really hurts...I look like an idiot trying to look to my left....oh well..just call me stiffy...but I made my flight...carrying my bike bag w/ the missing wheel w/ this pain in my neck was horrible...I got cash out now so I can rent a cart when I get to SEA..

Obviously, nothing interesting to tell you about....oh..that day I went to the beach...craziest thing happened. I had the rental car keys in my back pocket (why I don't know I didn't drive)....and after walking on the beach...we sat on this picnic table and chatted..then did some window shopping, then went to dinner...about 8:30 that night, I wanted to go to I started looking for my keys EVERYWHERE....after frantically tearing apart all my bags...I began retracing my steps...which took me back to the picnic table....and there they were 7hrs later! Wow...Karma good!

1 comment:

blissful COW said...

Hello... i see you are PT... I have been going to PT for 6 years now, Seven years in July... hope all is well
