Saturday, January 21, 2006

Wonderful Week With Ab!

My sister (Abby) has been visiting from Flagstaff, Az all week with me. She is my older sister, and only other sibling from my parents (I have 7 other 1/2, step, pseudo, adopted, grandfather'ed in...type siblings...all legal, don't worry). Abby and I haven't had this much time together in many, many, many years...and it was awesome!

As you may have guessed...I took a few pictures to document her goes

First, on Monday she opened her Christmas presents, since she was at her meditation retreat for a month and missed Christmas w/ us...

This was a oven rack's this wooden hook thing to pull out the oven rack, instead of burning yourself...hmmm, good idea. I got this while visiting Boone, NC between Toona and Bank of Amer crit....

Monday night, we went shopping in Bellvue square...then had dinner at the Cheesecake factory for 4hrs...not eating, mostly talking, and was cheesecake though

Tuesday, we went to the Pike Place market...where in addition to buying new kitchen trinkets...I was introduced to truffles...the root kind, that kinda smell like mushrooms...and they add the flavor of them to olive oil and salt and it's divine (and crazy expensive)

Abby had to demo the use of this utensil....Apparently it's used to....and I'm not kidding 'beat your meat' make like cordon blue maybe??

...and we had our eyebrows waxed by this beautiful gay man, who taught me.."No honey, you pluck a chicken, you TWEEZE an eyebrow" remember that!!

Tuesday night made dinner w/ our new truffle oil and salt. We made artichokes...something our Dad used to make as a very special treat as kids!!

Wed morning we got pedicures,

Abby's red, and I'm pink....

Wed night we watched my wedding video in the I could ride my trainer...and Ab bundled's so cute...the video is awesome...2 discs...well worth the pretty penny it cost! (fatcat productions, Wichita Ks).

Thursday, Ab came to my work (where we were eating lunch) meet my co-workers, and see what I really do all day...

Thursday evening, we went to a play in West Seattle...Hilarious, well done, smaller production at Arts West...called As Bees in Honey Drown....Ab has been in many, many plays...mostly musicals, she is an opera well as many other types of music, she also plays the guitar, piano, and clarinets (no idea how to spell that one) and singing has always been her talent...but I haven't been to a play in forever, it was great to go w/ her again!!

Friday, we went to dinner w/ our cousin Suzie Pruit (who lives in Lower Queen Anne, and I've seen once last month in the past 2 yrs she's lived here)...that was really fun. We at at Ceaders in the U-district...then Ab and I farted around downtown till we found a good club for dancing and danced for a couple hours till our feet hurt so bad we could hardly was fun!!

Saturday, we rode to my favorite coffee shop, and most common Sat Pert's...where I have met for Sat group rides for about 4+ years. It was drizzly, and she got to REALLY experience Seattle winter weather!!

Saturday evening we took some food for a surprise Pot Luck for a co-worker who has been suffering from unexplained dizziness/nausea w/ multiple falls...thus forced to stay home, and must be accompanied at all times while on her feet due to frequent falls...she has had CT scans/Spinal Tap/Vestibular function tests/neurologist MD evaluations/Physical Therapy/BP medication...and she still doesn't know the we thought she might enjoy some socializing...and so since she can't get out...we went to her...

then we went to my place for stitch and Bitch 2...the stiching was optional! Our numbers from the original group doubled, AND we had a MAN participate!

So....yea, I'm tired...but it has been a fabulous week. Lot's of precious much overdue catching up w/ my big sis...who still calls me Jess!

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