Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I'm a MESS

Oh my God, my EGO is shot to hell!!

I went to the gym w/ Kenny Williams today to get SOME tips...and what do ya know....I'm pretty much doing it ALL wrong!! Sweet, and you know what the kicker is??? I'm a Physical Therapist, and a Certified Strenth and Conditioning SPECIALIST...and I can't do a flippin' squat w/o a HUGE sway back!!!!

And here I was tellin' other people (mostly Mike) what to do, and how to do it...hmmm, maybe that's why Mike's whole leg is numb, and he had an MRI today to see if his back is ok...he's been to Chiropractic, Massage, Coaches, Physical Therapist, Acupunture, Natropaths...but the buzz down the side of his leg keeps him up all night...and that's a problem for ME..so we are gettin' him fixed...cause I'm sick of sleepin next to a floppin fish all night...that's how he turns over, like a dying fish...

Anyway back to the story about ME...my knee comes too far forward, my back is super week, my gluts suck, my hamstring are hamnoodles...but the good news is we're gonna fix it....so there's lots of room for improvement...which means I'm gonna get faster...aahh yeeeaahh, that's my religion!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Damn, if you were doing it that off the rest of us must be a lost cause!!! Hope the floppin fish is okay.