Monday, February 06, 2006

The week in review

My goodness how time flies. So let’s recap

Rode to work, then after work also...shower, bed

Rode same loop I had the night before, only before work this time...worked ...then rode after work...home, shower, bed

Rode trainer before late from work

Rode to work...worked all day...rode to indoor trainer wkt (Computrainer), flatted x2 and broke a spoke on the way in the pouring rain (that was extra fun)..met w/ coach to discuss upcoming month of training...felt much better...rode home, arrived home 10:15...shower, bed

Drove to work, after work rode ~43mi around ½ Lake Washington, it was nice and home 10:52pm (record for late training ride)...shower, bed

Woke up to torrential wind storm (oh how I exaggerate)...the news was all up in arms about the wind...but there was no way I was giving up my Sat morning ride because of some wind, cause I’m from Kansas for Pete’s Sake..
Yea, that was a bad idea...windy was a MILD the course of my 50mi ride I came across 2 HUGE trees fallen across main roadways completely blocking them off, (I had to cyclocross carry over one tree), one power line, and millions of branches, twigs, and other debris...There were several times I was pedaling yet not making any forward progression...but as soon as I hit the bottom of the lake, I got a SWEET tailwind...which ALMOST made up for the rain and headwind on the way down! I think I saw a total of 3 other lunatics, I mean, riders, and usually on Sat mornings all the local team are out...I had to laugh at myself many, many, times throughout my ride for being so stubborn...but, it was epic!

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