Saturday, May 05, 2007

Glorious Greenwood!

Thursdays race was in Greenwood, SC. We were fortunate to be sponsored with a room at the Inn on the Square, right on the course. I got to watch the men's race from my window!

So, the race had it's usual Cheerwine attacks and counter attacks. With the chasing falling on Colavita/Aaron's shoulders often. No real moves got away, just a good fast race all in all.

Personally, I really wanted to work on my finish, and not obliterate myself w/ primes, and unnecessary chasing. But in the last lap, I over reacted in the second to last turn, and was not diligent enough to make it up on the last turn, therefore came out w/ a less than stellar performance. But, learning takes time, and I will continue to improve, just have to learn from each day and build on it the next (RIGHT? Don't I just sound like a quote out of some 'self help' book....whatever it takes man!!).

Shontelle on the other had was able to keep her position, did not over react, and sprinted to a very close 5th...very close being she really thought she was 4th, and there was a photo finish w/ Kelly Benjammin' and they were all right there! She's racing so awesome, it's great!!

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