Thursday, July 20, 2006

"Hey Guys I've got a great idea...let's color my hair!"

BAD BAD BAD idea!!

What was I thinking, nothing wrong w/ that natural brown!!

Phase one!

It takes a turn for the worse!

Real funny guys!

Not quite like it looks on the box....

So, yea...what if we try a different color...and get the roots...


Let's try adding BROWN....NOPE, that didn't work!!

AGGGGGGGHHH, what was I thinking!!!


JT said...

Salon Trio - right across from Kenmore Air. Ask for Karen 425-486-9944. Not saying that you need it - but if you were interested in adding some highlights... she's good at perfecting "Podium Hair" ;)

X Bunny said...

a little pink and blue highlights would be perfect