Sunday, July 16, 2006

This and that from Cascade

Wow, Tom Danielson is SOO famous here at Sunny Side bike shop in Bend!

Sunny Side mechanics generously gave up their time to get the Velo Bella-Kona girls ready to race! Thanks guys!!

Here we are at dinner at Barb and Lew Becker's house, and great son Adam Becker!

Here HERO-ko and I are celebrating pre-riding up to the NON finish of Thursdays road stage (yea, we THOUGHT it was the finish...a painful mistake to realize IN the race!!) But look at the cool lava fields!!

On my this foreshadowing?? Pretty much YES! It's a 8mi climb...

Jen Joynt and HERO-ko celebrate the NON finish too!! Don't we wish...but those lava fields are so cool...and BTW they came from the near by Crater!

A little dip in the Canal...great for tired legs...and a close walk from the house...Bend is so awesome!

Chrissy invited me to dinner at her parent's house...and for dessert we had a whip cream party...but just she and Phil partook...Phil started it, then Chrissy ran into her parents bedroom and locked the door...and as Phil was 'jimmy-ing' the lock, Chrissy snuck out the WINDOW, came around the house, through the Kitchen (grabbed more whip cream) and got Phil...then they took it was funny!!

And this is how she decided to clean up...a shower for Chrissy, I guess!!

More leg dippin' in the canal. Today we got yelled at by a local who said we were on private property and had to move...then told us it was illegal to 'dip our legs'...but we are REBELS and did it anyway!! So there!!

Dinner at El Corporale...courtesy of Barb and Lew...Adam was there too....oh he is a Pilot, and got his first Airline job...Yea, Adam...maybe he'll fly us next year!! Congrats Adam!

HERO-ko pumps up my car tire...I had no idea you could use a bike pump on a car tire!

Barb Becker has THE coolest tatoo...a chain ring on her calf...Sweet...Chrissy has that too!


Anonymous said...

KeleKeleKele! Great on the 2nd place at Cascade Crit!

Velo Bella said...

Congrats Kele on some fantastic aggresive racing

X Bunny said...

it sure was fun to watch you gals!

JT said...

Animal! It's good to see all that hard work is paying off! Way to go!!!