Sunday, September 17, 2006

Still no photos..

Boy oh boy is this testing my patience....arrgghh! So, I emailed Blogger, and after a few automated responses got something that seemed to apply to me. Then it had like 20 steps to go through and answered these questions to try to help them figure out what's wrong...yea, haven't done that yet. Cause, isn't that YOUR job buddy? To fix it?? I write, and enjoy your FREE service, then bitch like a spoiled rich girl the instant I have problems....because I'm totally ignorant on how to correct the probblem, therefore helpless...and I would like to stay that way...

Anywho, back to important stuff....ME!! Yes, so yesterdays wkt was 5x500s, and it was windy....thank god there were others there to do timing, and just really help motivate me make the workout a good one! I was pleased w/ my efforts, they were all very consistent, and I guess that is good. And I was WASTED (or waist-ed) when I was done...I went home, ate, then took a 1.5hr nap, then ate again...then vegged in front of TV...then slept for 10hrs...

And today, I feel neck is killing me...all these constant left turns are a pain in the NECK (hardy har har)...I just did the warm-up w/ the trackies, then some roller work (trying to learn how to look behind me and hold a straight, this may take a while)

That's all for now....I might try to make some sprouted wheat berry bread later...and after 5 days the black beans have sprouted, and so did the Adzuki's...I'm gonna try to make a salad out of them...we'll see how that goes...Oh, remember me bitching about how long the soy beans took...well 3 days later (1 day soaking, 2 days cooking) I threw the little bastards out...THEY WERE BURNT, arrrr after all that damn coocking (wait no cooking) I forgot to add H20...I can't stop laghing at 'coocking' it sounds like something Chrissy would write...

camp starts tomarry...I'll give you the low down...

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